The Cartoon Network Hotel takes pride in our support of local nonprofit organizations and schools. A customary donation is a One Night Stay at the Hotel. We do not make monetary donations. To ensure donation items are mailed in time for the event, we ask that all requests be made 60 days or more before your event date.
A donation decision will be made each month at the end of the month. The organization requesting the donation will be contacted by email. Please know that all requests that meet the criteria listed below are given serious consideration.
All parties interested in being considered for our Donations Program, please email the below information in full to Thank you for your interest in the Cartoon Network Hotel brand.
What would you like us to donate?
Event Type
Tell Us Why - Please provide information on your good work and tell us how you will acknowledge this donation at your event. It would also be helpful to understand your fundraising goals
Organization Name
Your Role Within Organization
Organization Website Link
Organization EIN (Tax ID) - Optional
Organization Cause
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
State (USA)
Event Date
Event Attendance
Fundraising Goal (Dollar Equivalence)
*If selected, organization letterhead or proof of 501(c)(3) status will be requested before receiving the donation.*